Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Human Growth Hormone

  • Rejuvenates every cell in the body

  • Aids fast loss and muscle gain

  • Helps the body heal faster

  • Strengthens bones

  • Improves quantity and quality of life


  • Relieves menopausal symtoms

  • Increase female life expectancy

  • Protects against coronary heart disease

  • Boost brain functions

  • Helps prevent osteoporosis

  • Protects against Alzheimers disease


  • Lowers blood cholesterol

  • Improves heart health

  • Slows onset or progression of diabetes

  • Favorably impacts arthritis

  • Reverses declining mental acuity


  • Natural anti-depressant and tranquilizer

  • Improves female libido

  • Protects against cancer

  • Boosts thyroid action

  • Helps use body fat, rather than store it

  • Helps prevent osteoporosis


  • Precursor of many other hormones

  • Fights effects of fatigue and stress

  • Relieves arthritis pain

  • Improve heart health

  • Boosts immune system

  • Protects against coronary artery disease

  • improves mood and memory

  • Essential to full brain function

  • Protects against Alzheimers disease


  • Boosts male and female libido

  • Encourages heart health

  • Helps prevent osteoporosis

  • Fights fat

  • Increases muscle strength


  • Restores youthful sleep patterns

  • Effectively treats jet lag

  • Boots immune system


  • Controls cell growth and metabolism

  • Helps with weight management

  • Improves heart and vascular health

  • Renews energy

  • Aid concentration

  • Regulates body temp


Drug manufacturers have created synthetic hormones that attempt to mimic natural hormone function – yet are structurally different enough from natural hormones to be patentable.  Such synthetic hormones often produce many desirable effects, but more often than not, also produce undesirable or negative side effects – such as bloating, headaches, fatigue, weight gain and possibly cancer. 

Natural hormones possess the identical structure and function as substances created by our bodies – and produce all the desirable effects without any of the undesirable or negative side effects associated with synthetic hormones.  We prescribe only Bio-Identical hormones because of our commitment to your total well-being.